What does the bible say about a man making a woman cry?

One subject that enough people are interested in is the What does the bible say about a man making a woman cry? It is crucial to understand the scriptures that deal with this topic because relationships can be complicated. The Bible specifically addresses the critical problem of women being made to cry by men. God is deeply concerned for people who are victimized or mistreated, which includes women who are forced to cry by men. There are a myriad of instances and principles in Scripture that demonstrate that forcing women to weep is a sin and deeply grieves God’s heart.

Jesus and Compassion Towards Women

Jesus showed a remarkable degree of empathy for women who were crying. One of the most striking examples is the time Jesus observed Mary weeping over the death of her son Lazarus in John 11:33-35. Jesus was deeply affected and wept, showing his compassion and empathy for the grieving.

Another instance is in Luke 7:38-50. A woman who had sinned was able to anoint Jesus’ feet with her crying. Jesus showed his understanding and compassion for her emotional condition by acknowledging her pain and pardoning her for her sins. These stories illustrate Jesus’s knowledge of the deep emotions that are the source of tears and his empathy for those who shed tears.

What does the bible say about a man making a woman cry?

Old Testament Examples

In the Old Testament, there are many instances where males make women cry or weep. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of attempting to rape her after refusing her advances, which led to Joseph’s incarceration (Genesis 39:6-20). Another instance is that of Jacob, who was deceived by Leah by having her married in lieu of the sister Rachel, which caused her distress (Genesis 29:15-25).

David’s anger with Bathsheba resulted in her having a baby and caused her great anxiety (2 Samuel 11). Amnon’s sexual assault of his half-sister Tamar was also a source of stress (2 Samuel 13:1-22).

Furthermore, there are many instances where women have cried out to God in times of oppression. For example, the Israelites”cry” to God for benefit in Egypt (Exodus 2:23).

New Testament

Husbands were taught by the apostle Paul to cherish their wives like Christ loved His church and gave His life to save her. This means that spouses should be willing to sacrifice their desires and interests to put their needs first. Wives’ well-being, even if that means losing their life (Ephesians 5:25).

Ephesians 5:28-29 tells the husband to favor their wives with food and love by treating women with the kind of sacrificial treatment they would provide themselves. The way women were addressed in the Christian household was changed by this instruction.


In the end, the Bible clarifies that men are required to treat women in a manner that demonstrates a love that is both loving and selfless. Inducing women to cry through brutal treatment, manipulation, or indifference is a grave offense in the eyes of God. If a perpetrator does not repent, it could cause a judgment. Men are accountable for utilizing the strength God offers to live up to His standards for a healthy relationship that acknowledges women as co-heirs to eternal life.



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